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How To Write An Informative And Factual Blog Post It's important to write an introduction for your informative and factual blog post. The first sentence of your blog post should be a preview of the post and provoke curiosity. The second paragraph should contain detailed information about what the reader can expect from reading the article. If you have multiple subjects to cover, it may be helpful to create a table of contents so readers know what they're clicking on. Finally, if applicable, you should include links to any other relevant and helpful resources that complement this article and inform the reader further on the subject matter discussed in this article. A blog post is a great tool for publishing your informative and factual article because the blog format promotes a more casual tone that's easy for readers to follow and digest. Blogs are also very easily sharable, so if you have a large social media following you can encourage your followers to share your content with their followers. In order to optimize your post for search engines, you can use keywords in the title, description and tags. If you plan on including images or videos in your blog post that relate back to the article topic, we recommend embedding them into the text of your article as opposed to having them as linked images or videos. This is because search engines prioritize internal, textual content over external media. In order to improve the reach of your post, we recommend adding a sitelink to your blog post from a related article or blog on a similar website. This will help you reach a larger audience and get more exposure for your business. The actionable steps above will help you create informative and factual blog posts for your business! How To Create A Good Blog Post Create interesting headlines that capture the reader's attention and add value. Focus on the reader by answering their questions in the headline, without being vague or leading them on with click bait. The opening paragraph of your post should be very clear and interesting. It should contain the main points of your post, but not be overly long or full of flowery language. If you have multiple sections or topics to cover, use subheadings to segment information into easily digestible chunks. Your subheaders should attract attention, but they shouldn't include unnecessary detail that will bore the reader. Add images within your content that are relevant to the subject matter of your post. You can also embed video into your blog posts that are directly relevant for readers - this will help you with SEO and create a more dynamic content experience for readers. Finally, if applicable, you should include links to any other relevant and helpful resources that complement this article and inform the reader further on the subject matter discussed in this article. Another thing to remember about blog post is that they must have a call to action. If your readers have a question or want to know more then include a call to action at the end of your blog that would link people back to your main website where they can learn more. A good tip with blogging is to write about what you know so it shows credibility, don't just say what you want or need them too read without any proof. Tell them why they need to take action on what they read in order for it be useful for them. cfa1e77820